Monday, February 15, 2010

Week 4: Working at the Capitol

The more I have immersed myself into my chosen career path, the more I realized you either find yourself loving or hating your decision. The further I walk down the line, the more I love my choice. Working on a frustrating story for the past two weeks with elusive legislators, I finally was able to get comments, by going to a committee hearing.

Now, if you have ever seen a movie where someone is speaking to a federal committee, with legislators sitting, facing toward the people giving their testimony and a crowd sitting in rows facing the committee, it was nothing at all like that. Instead, we have a group of people sitting in a circle, chatting with one another and everyone else sitting in a bigger circle around them.

Thursday, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee met and discussed bills. The hearing was 2 hours long. I loved it.

Am I crazy? Possibly.

How can I possibly find any of what was going on in a two hour long meeting interesting? First off, the legislation discussed effects the state and second, the people there were just entertaining.

Now, that is in no way demeaning the fine people we have voted to represent us, but if people are expected to sit in a meeting, someone needs to say something interesting. And believe me, many interesting things were said in that meeting.

"How far will we continue?"

Curious? Read my article in the Oklahoma Gazette on Wednesday to find out. :)

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